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  • Butter beans in tomato sauce

  • Serves 4 takes 2 hrs. 45 mins plus soaking time

  • Ingredients

  • 1lb/450g. dried butter beans
    1 medium onion, sliced
    2tbsp olive oil
    400g/14oz.oz canned tomatoes, chopped
    ltsp sugar
    juice of ½ lemon
    1 tsp ground coriander
    Salt and freshly ground black pepper
    Bunch flat-leaf parsley, chopped

  • Method

  • Soak the butter beans overnight in cold water
    In a large saucepan, fry the onion slices in the olive oil until soft. Drain the beans and add to the pan with the tomatoes, sugar, lemon juice, coriander and 575ml/1pt. water
    Cover and cook on a low heat for 2 ½ hrs or until the beans are soft. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkie with the parsley. Serve warm with crusty bread, feta cheese and black Kalamata olives.

